Step up Your Game

Some Hit the Wall
We Teach You to Crush it

Sports is said to be

80% Mental

20% Physical

You spend hours in the gym working on your physical game, but when do you work on your mental game?

The mental game can be the hardest part and also the part that holds you back. 


You Are Strong builds your the power of your mind.  You will gain greater confidence, increased focus and better emotional control. 

If you compete at any sport, most likely at some point you’ve gotten frustrated, had a drop in confidence, put too much pressure on yourself, or got caught in overthinking and overwhelm. 

You CAN master your mindset and learn to play great under pressure. 

It’s time for you to train your mental game! 


Meet angie wiley

You are strong

Athletes are repeatedly taught the physical skills they need for their sport. The skills that can have the biggest impact on your game and life, however, are not found in drills. They are found in your mindset. This program will give you what it takes to be an athlete who succeeds: A strong mental game, confidence, discipline, coachability, and a passion to win.

Watch this quick video to learn about the benefits of the Master Your Mindset program!

Athlete and parent Testimonials

“My overall confidence has really improved. My mental game and mindset have gotten stronger. I have better emotional control which has positively impacted my performance. What I’ve learned through this program has not only made a difference on the court, but in my life.”

Lilly, High School Senior - Signed D1 Basketball

“I’m much more confident! I didn’t realize I had the negative self-talk. Now I’m able to catch myself and change it. My belief in myself has grown. Through this program, I’ve seen a positive impact on my game and in school.”

Kennedy, High School Senior - Signed D1 Basketball

 “This program made me more aware of the power I hold. It helped me realize what I could to do to help myself. Before, if I was in a slump, I was stuck. Now, I can bring myself out of a slump and even prevent it, because I know how to control my state.”

Kaitlin - High School Junior - Basketball

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